Competition licenses
Updated 24.6.2024
Licenses for the 2024-2025 season can be purchased from Suomisport beginning 1.7.2024. If you have already registered (purchased a license or insurance from Suomisport), please log in and complete your purchase as before. If you are a new user and need a license or insurance, you must first register to Suomisport. Suomisport will guide you through the registration process step by step. You can select language from the top right corner of the view. Help? can be found from the most bottom right corner.
For future purchases, download the Suomisport app from the app store of your mobile device and shop easily on the go.
When a parent of a junior player buys a license for his/her child, the parent must register first (no need to buy anything for himself) and then add the junior using the "Add Child" function and then buy a license for his/her child.
License purchases are transferred to Tournamentsoftware once in an hour (at xx:52) for players who have previously had a license and have a Member-ID and account in Tournamentsoftware. New players are transferred to Tournamentsoftware during office hours (weekdays 9am-5pm) and it takes a little longer. After purchase, the new license holder will receive a registration link and player number from Tournamentsoftware to the email address provided in Suomisport, or to the guardian's email address for minors, no later than the day after purchase. The link allows you to register to Tournamentsoftware and then confirm the registration with a new email, after which the TSW player number will be in use. You cannot register with a Suomisport ID for Tournamentsoftware. Get your license purchase done on time and you will get a link for Tournamenysoftware registration!
Brief steps when you start competing and buy your first license
1) Buy a license from Suomisport, register there as instructed by Suomisport. The payment information will be transferred at the following xx:52 o'clock after purchase, SSuL support will receive a notification about the new player, which will be processed as soon as possible, at the latest within the next working day.
2) You will receive an email (to the email that was given in Suomisport) with a link that you can use to register to Tournamentsoftware (includes TSW player number)
3) Register by choosing a username (cannot be changed in the future) and a password that you remember. You will also receive an email about this
4) Confirm your registration by replying to the email and logging in to Tournamentsoftware, your account will only be active after logging in and after that you can make entries for competitions.
As a new player it is usually too late to buy a license on the final day of competition entry after 5pm, at least it is very unsure to make it happen.
When you have some problems allways contact BF competition support:
Every player who is a member of a member club of Badminton Finland and who participates in a competition sanctioned by the Badminton Finland must redeem a competition license before registering for the competition. Any person entering a Badminton Finland sanctioned competition and purchasing a license must be a member of an Badminton Finland member club. The purchaser of the license undertakes to comply with the rules of the Finnish Badminton Association and other rules of the sport (Badminton World Federation and Badminton Europe Confederation) and the anti-doping rules in force at the time. Unlicensed players may not enter competitions sanctioned by the Badminton Finland.
An recreational player does not need a license for a recreational competition and the entry and registration instructions issued by the organizer shall be followed for recreational competitions.
License types
Seasonal licences
Adult seasonal license 2024-2025 - (45,- €) for players born in 2005 or earlier, valid in all competitions for the whole season from 1.7.2024 to 30.6.2025
Junior seasonal license 2024-2025 - (15,- €) for players born in 2006 or later, valid in all competitions for the whole season from 1.7.2024 to 30.6.2025
Single Competion licence (Kertalisenssi)
At the lowest level of competition (C), a player (also seniors) may redeem a single license valid for one competition at a time, as many times per season as he/she want. Even already the second time it is cheaper to buy the seasonal license.
In other levels, (V, A and B) only a player from the club organizing the competition is entitled to a single license once per competition season.
A single license must also be purchased well in advance of the entry deadline! When purchasing the license, you will be asked for the date of validity of the license, i.e. the first day of the competition. A player who has bought a single license can later buy a season license at a discounted price but only when bought the kausilisenssi in that period when the kertalisenssi is valid. Valid only in the selected competition by the dates given on the purchase. Prize 25,- €/competition
Note! The competition license does NOT include insurance. You can verify your insurance coverage and, if you wish, purchase and pay for insurance when you purchase your license. Insurance can also be purchased separately by using the "Buy insurance only" (Ostan vain lisenssin) product when purchasing a license.
Level D
Suomisport also offers a product called "D-registration" at a nominal price of € 10,-. A player who has purchased D-registration will have his/her player number opened in Tournamentsoftware and his level in all disciplines will be set to D. The player will be sent a registration request from TSW, as all new competition license buyers are.
After registration, the D-level player is able to:
a) register in the TSW for SSuL sanctioned competitions in which it is possible to play in D-level, as determined by the competition organizer. A D-level player may not enter, nor may he/she be moved by the organizer to C-level in any discipline. For played competitions, the player will receive D-level ranking points.
b) to enter recreational competitions in the TSW under the conditions and at the levels set by the organizer of the competition to which the player is directed and instructed to enter by the organizer of the competition.
The D-level does not entitle to enter age groups, neither junior, nor senior. For senior players, a single license is a great opportunity for that one competition of the season. The purchase of a single license will be taken into account as a discount on the price of a seasonal license purchased during the same season.
For Badminton Finland sanctioned competitions, a D-level player will normally be included in the ranking calculation and level changes each year. However, players in C-level are not categorized lower in D-level, as D-level is an "entry level" for players starting their competitive career only.
Of course, the hunger of a D-level player grows as he competes, and he/she can request a promotion to C-level in the middle of the season. However, to be promoted to the C-level, a normal seasonal license or a single license for each competition is required. The D-registration already paid is taken into account in the mid-season increase of the seasonal or single license prices, so that the difference between the seasonal license and single license is €35,- and €15,- respectively.
Please notify Badminton Finland ( when you wish to upgrade your D level (including mid-season) to C level and you have purchased a single or seasonal license after having had a "D registration" license product in a previous season(s), so that the necessary changes can be made.
Description of the processing of personal data (only in Finnish)
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